Organising Images

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to organize images by creating folders and uploading images to the desired folders. It explains the benefits of organizing images into folders for easier future accessibility. The guide also demonstrates how to navigate through the folders and select the desired image.

1. Navigate to

2. Click the "Folder Name" field.

3. When uploading images, it's a good idea to group images into folders to make it easier to find them again in the future. For example if you are uploading images for use within some help pages you could create a folder called "Help" and upload your images there. To start, click the space "Folder Name" and type in your desired name.

4. Create a name for the folder, in this case I named it “Test Images”

5. Now the folder has been created and you can upload images to it and select them.

6. Once the image has been uploaded, you can navigate through the folders of images in the image sector, and when you have found the image you want, simply click on the image you want.