Email Templates
The content of emails generated by the site can be changed by editing the email template. Select the email template you want to modify and click the ‘Edit’ button at the top of the screen.
Details Tab
- Name: name for internal use
- Description: description for internal use
- Email From: the email address the user will receive the email from
- Subject: the subject line for the email
- Body: the message of the email. Be careful not to inadvertently break the tokens
- Use Default Signature: use a the default signature or write one specifically for this email
- Is Active: mark the email template as active / inactive
Distribution List Tab
Use this tab to select which user(s) receive the email.
Tokens Tab
Tokens are substituted for text when the email is sent.
Some example uses of tokens are displaying:
- a customer’s name
- a delivery address
- today’s date
NB Be careful when editing an email template with tokens. For example, when making text bold don’t partially bolden a token as this will break it.