
This page contains all of the main configuration settings of your website and will differ depending on the modules you have installed on your site.

You should not need to visit or change this page very often. Please also be careful with the settings you change as these could break your site.

Types of settings you should see on this page:

  • Site: for example site name, URL, image settings etc
  • Anti spam: controls recaptcha settings for forms
  • Blog: set the default page size, sorting etc
  • Data protection: configure the number of days
  • Email: configure email overrides, default signature, SMTP settings etc
  • Error handling: choose whether to include errors generated by crawlers in error logs (by default this would be switched off)
  • Gallery: set the default page size
  • Location: configure address lookup providers
  • Media: set the allowed file / image types
  • Money: set the base site currency and tax rate
  • News: set the default page size, sorting etc
  • Security: configure password strength, login attempts and lockout periods
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): configure Google analytics settings, canonical query string parameters

IMAGE HERE (small snippet of the settings screen obscuring the actual setting values)