Multiple Categories

Quick guide

  • >> Content > Products > Listings
  • Edit listing
  • Navigate to the categories tab and choose additional categories to display the listing in

Detailed info

  • Go to >> Content > Products > Listings
  • Use search or filter to locate the listing you would like to manage.  Once foud,  select select the listing and click on edit.
  • Under details you'll find a category oftened refered to as the master category , which search engines associate with your product during site indexing.
  • Another tab is labeled "categories." Here, you can showcase the product in multiple locations. Select the tab and choose additional categories as needed.
  • Please be aware that it's generally considered best practice to opt for the lowest level categories. For instance, if your shop sells coffee and coffee machines with a category structure like Coffee blends & Rwanda coffee, it's recommended to select only the category Rwanda coffee rather than Coffee blends & Rwanda coffee or just Coffee blends.

Example category structure

Coffee blends

Brazillian coffee

Rwanda coffee

Colombian coffee

Flavoured coffee

Fairtrade coffee




Coffee cups