
Adding a New Menu Item

  • Click the radio button next to the menu you want to add to
  • Click 'Menu Items' at the top of the page
  • Click 'New' at the top of the page
  • Enter a name e.g. 'News'
  • Select a parent for the new page. If no parent is selected, the new page will be a top-level page.
  • Click "Select Url" and choose the page you want to add to the menu
  • Select an option for 'Show Parent Items'. If this is set to 'No' then the menu will display the current level menu items instead of the top level.
  • Select an option for 'Expanded'. This will affect whether the menu is expanded by default.
  • Click "Save" at the top of the page

Deleting a Menu Item

  • Click the radio button next to the menu you want to delete an item from
  • Click the radio button next to the menu item you want to delete
  • Click 'Delete' at the top of the page

Reorder Menu Items

  • Click the radio button next to the menu you want to reorder
  • Click the reorder button at the top of the page
  • Drag and drop the menu items to reorder them
  • Click 'Save' at the top of the page