Form Builder

Creating a Basic Form

  • Click New
  • Enter the name e.g. "Contact Us"
  • Choose either "yes" or "no" for security check. If enabled, this will require the user to enter a code to submit the form (known as a CAPTCHA). This will help to prevent the form being used by spam bots, but may annoy some users.
  • Choose a page to be the success Url clicking the "Select Url" hyperlink. This will be the page the user is sent to after successfully completing the form such as a "thank you" page.
  • Click the "Distribution List" tab
  • Select the person(s) you want the form to be sent to.
  • Click save (located at the top of the page)

Adding Steps to a Form

  • Click the radio button next to the form you want to edit
  • Click "Steps" at the top of the page
  • Click "New"
  • Enter the name e.g. "Step 1"
  • Enter the button text e.g. "Send Enquiry"
  • Click the "Save" button at the top

Adding Groups to Steps

  • When editing a step, click the "Groups" tab
  • Set the group name
  • Set the group header text
  • Toggle the group on / off with the is active toggle
  • Click the "Add" button in the bottom
  • Click the "Save" button at the top

Adding Form Fields

  • Click the radio button next to the form you want to edit
  • Click "Fields" at the top of the page
  • Click "New" at the top of the page
  • Enter the name of the field e.g. "Your Name"
  • From the step dropdown choose the step you want
  • From the group dropdown choose the group you want
  • From the dropdown choose the field type e.g. "Text Box"
  • Choose whether the field is required or not
  • Add in any optional help text
  • Click "Save" at the top of the page
  • Continue adding fields until you have added all the desired fields

Adding a Form to a Page

  • Find the page you want to add a form to
  • Click the radio button next to the page then click edit at the top of the page
  • Click the body tab
  • Click the insert widget button
  • From the dropdown select form
  • Select the form you want to add
  • Click the Ok button
  • Click Publish at the top of the page to make the changes live