
Details Tab

  • Name: Enter the internal name of the gallery (keep this short)
  • Slug: Hit the generate slug button to the right of the text box
  • Description: This is a short description of the gallery
  • Active: You can enable or disable the gallery (enabled by default)

Head Tab

More detailed information about meta and page titles is available.

Body Tab

This is where you will insert the long description of your gallery.  The following links have more information about specific tasks on this tab:

Images Tab

To add an image to the gallery:

  1. Click the 'Choose Files' button
  2. Select the file(s) you want to upload
  3. Click the add button in the bottom right
  4. Optionally, click the edit button next to the image to change its name or caption
  1. You can reorder images by dragging and dropping
  2. Click 'Save' in the top bar